This is very nice.....
Heidi Klum will be celebrating his Halloween party every year. Each year he also never fail to have the best Halloween costume. Last year he became the Kali Goddess. The year BEFORE became to the Kinky Robot. This year ........... zombieor skinless some shit. Damn cool...
Below are some paintings by Paul Kuczynski, a painter from Poland. So witty and makes we thinking...
f you like to watching The Simpsons animation series, you've must be seen the three-eyed fish character.. Do you know the fish like that animation was founded at Argentina?? this is not a joke budd...
PRODUCT SUMMARY The good: As thin as the iPad 2 and even lighter, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is the sexiest Honeycomb tablet we've seen. Also, it has a 3-megapixel back camera and a 2-megapixel front camera, and powerful dual speakers. The bad: The lack of ports on the tablet will be a problem for...
Are you still remember about the 'Zombie Boy'? a men that having a body like a corpse? Remember the Andrej Pejic, a hot male model fashion for wearing women dress on the stage? Now they working together in the campaign for Auslander brand from Brazil. Confuse yet? Not Safe For Gender Confuse Folk...
The mysterious disappearance of Joseph Schexnider, who vanished in 1984 while reportedly being pursued for alleged car theft, has been solved. Workers renovating a bank in Abbeville, Louisiana have found his skeleton walled up in an unused chimney. It's believed that Joseph Schexnider was trying to...
1.First and foremost be authentic . Don ' t be afraid to show your personality. To stand out,be yourself and do your best to add value toyour community . Your followers will be drawn towards an authentic voice. Soon your business will grow in the process. 2.Avoid self-promotion , this will only scare...
Spring has sprung, and love is in the air ! Whenever the weather starts getting warmer, we all start wishing we had a special someone to spend time with. Sometimes,it can be tricky to find – and get!– that great guy you ' ve been wishing for. So, here are my top twenty tips on making a guy fall in love...
Everyone wants to fall in love. Falling is the fun part. Staying around after the crash landing can be tricky. Relationship experts say the key to staying in love is to being willing to work at it. If this sounds like work, that's because it is. But everything good in life takes a bit of work. And if...
Truthfully, I think this can be better explained by showing you what NOT to do. Especially if want to make her fall in love with you. 1. Don't let the situation unnerve you. This could make her think that you don't have much experience, are emotionally unstable, or just not the right guy for her. You...
1.Be true to yourself.There are many lonely people in the world and for a lot of them,having a partner is a way to escape the loneliness.The question is... is this really what I want? The answer can be yes or no. What works for some doesn ' t necessarily work for others. Thething is, if you feel comfortable...
1. Reactivate and Refresh.Did you let your online dating membership lapse at the end of the year? If so, reactivate your profile. After the first of theyear, a whole new dating pool of singles emerged online. Some are first-timers to JDate®. If you are already online, refresh your profile with a new...
1. Don ' t feel ashamed about changing your mind: If you are one ofthose people who care too much about what others think, you may be concerned that getting back with your ex will draw disapproving looks or words from those close to you. You may think that they will see you as wishy-washy or weak.If thesetypes...