Well those wacky 'beauty' gadgets from Japan just get wackier all the time. The newest one that I came across is the Beauty Lift High Nose. Even the name cracks me up. Anyways, from what I can tell this odd looking little contraption is supposed to give users that extra snooty, nose-in-the-air look without the need for cosmetic surgery. Apparently this nose shape is highly desirable as the site explains that it will re-shape the nose to give users the "perfect profile".
I am not sure of exactly how it stays on, but it looks kind of like a vice. You definitely would want to use this one in private! Once the device is on, the gentle upward vibrations go to work on that pesky silhouette to give you the shnoz of your dreams. Evidently, just three minutes once a day will do the trick and have you looking picture perfect in no time!
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