Lets Roll..
Created by 49-year-old former military pilot Peter Kokis, the Transformers replicas are intended to be worn as costumes and have been crafted out of hundreds of random domestic items including a pooper scooper, toilet brushes and what have you! Kokis' Brooklyn, New York-based studio called Brooklyn RobotWorks, creates these stunning costumes and displays them in New York City's streets as well as various events and promotions around the country.
“She’s Definitely Cheating”: Pamela Anderson’s Golden Globes Makeup Sparks
Some people took issue with Pamela Anderson's Golden Globes look, claiming
she had "cheated" by wearing makeup.
The post “She’s Definitely Cheating”: Pame...
56 minutes ago
That's really nice. No one can imagine that kind of transformer costume ever in their whole life.